Thursday, January 9, 2014


1) adumbrate (verb) - to vaguely indicate
Example: The man's suspicious behavior leading up to the crime adumbrated that he was planning something, but no one could have expected the scope of what was to come.

2) apotheosis (noun) - the elevation of a person (as to the status of a god)
Example: Some monarchical rulers, such as Kim Jong-il, are granted almost divine power through apotheosis.

3) ascetic (adjective) - practicing rigorous self denial, usually for religious purposes
Example: Some ascetic individuals believe that they must deny themselves any and all physical pleasure if they are to reach a state of spiritual enlightenment.

4) bauble (noun) - inexpensive, showy jewelry
Example: The woman covered herself in expensive looking bauble that she purchased from her local Goodwill store in an attempt to look "classy".

5) beguile (verb) - to attract or influence by slyness or deceitfulness
Example: It is important to critically examine every situation in order to avoid being beguiled into making a poor choice.

6) burgeon (verb) - grow and flourish
Example: It is important to elect our leaders wisely to assure a burgeoning economy for us to enjoy.

7) complement (verb) - to make complete or perfect
Example: A glass of fine wine perfectly complements a good meal.

8) contumacious (adjective) - willfully obstinate
Example: The contumacious man refused to admit he was wrong, no matter how much counter evidence surfaced.

9) curmudgeon (noun) - a cantankerous, petulant, old man
Example: The cranky curmudgeon shouted at a group of young kids for walking across his lawn.

10) didactic (adjective) - serving to teach, sometimes in a way that is annoying or unwanted
Example: The parent's condescending, didactic tone upset the child.


  1. Thank you for being one of the few who posted their vocab! It helped me allot and I think your very quiet in class for being someone with high intelligence. :)

    1. Glad it helped! And thank you haha, I'll try and contribute more, though I got a schedule change and am no longer in 1st period =(
