Tuesday, January 14, 2014


1) accoutrements (noun) - clothing or accessories that are worn or carried, but not part of your primary attire
Example: The authorities swiftly arrested the man after they caught him wearing stolen police accoutrements.

2) apogee (noun) - a final climactic stage
Example: We hope that the apogee of our civilization has yet to be reached.

3) apropos (adverb) - at an opportune time
Example: The items I was thinking about purchasing went on sale apropos.

4) bicker (verb) - to argue over petty things
Example: The couple missed their flight entirely whilst bickering about who would get the window seat.

5) coalesce (verb) - to fuse or grow together
Example: Several once-separate political factions coalesced to strengthen their influence.

6) contretemps (noun) - an awkward or unfortunate clash
Example: An unruly passenger's contretemps with the flight attendant lead to his arrest upon landing.

7) convolution (noun) - something that is confusing, intricate, or difficult to understand.
Example: Hoping for a quick fix, the mechanic was disheartened when he discovered nothing but more and more convolution as he inspected the misbehaving engine.

8) cull (verb) - to select something from a group; to remove and reject something of inferior quality
Example: Sports organizations often send scouts to cull the most promising prospects.

9) disparate (adjective) - fundamentally distinct in quality or kind
Example: Kickboxing and curling are about as disparate as two sports can be.

10) dogmatic (adjective) - characterized by assertion of unproved or unprovable principles
Example: Far too many fanatical, dogmatic cults allowed to exist by their vacuous participants.

11) licentious (adjective) - lacking moral discipline, especially regarding things of a sexual nature
Example: A lot of popular music is frowned upon due to its licentious and derogatory depiction of women.

12) mete (noun) - a line that indicates a boundary
Example: Rivers, gullies, and other natural landmarks may serve as the metes and bounds of a property.

13) noxious (adjective) - mentally or physically harmful
Example: The building had to be evacuated after a ruptured line caused it to fill with noxious gas.

14) polemic (noun) - a strong written or spoken attack that serves to criticize something (usually something arbitrary and controversial, such as a belief or dogma)
Example: The writer released a harsh polemic against the religion's baseless teachings.

15) populous (adjective) - densely populated
Example: Generally, the more populous a city is, the more difficult it is to safely evacuate everyone in the case of an emergency.

16) probity (noun) - complete and confirmed integrity
Example: If our politicians had a bit more probity, we would undoubtedly be in a better political and economic position.

17) repartee (noun) - a quick exchange of adroit and clever replies
Example: The two men, each of whom took pride in their verbal aptitude, engaged in a light repartee to test each other's wits.

18) supervene (noun) - to take place as an additional or unexpected development
Example: When appropriate amounts of heat are applied to certain materials, the chemical process of combustion supervenes.

19) truncate (adjective) - terminating abruptly at a square or even end
Example: The truncate tip of a straight-edged shovel is more than adequate for moving soil, but a sharper, tapered shovel is more desirable for cutting through compact dirt.

20) unimpeachable (adjective) - beyond doubt or reproach
Example: The say of the government should not be viewed as unconditionally unimpeachable--it's the people's responsibility to keep the government in check, after all.

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