Monday, September 23, 2013

VOCABULARY #6 (#4 + #5)

1) adroit (adjective) - quick or skillful or adept in action or thought
Example: The performer was so adroit that he was able to juggle four chainsaws simultaneously without injuring himself.

2) amicable (adjective) - characterized by friendship and good will
Example: It is important for people to treat each other amicably in order to maintain a healthy society.

3) averse (adjective) - strongly opposed
Example: Far too many people are averse to doing what is right instead of what is easy.

4) belligerent (adjective) - characteristic of an enemy or one eager to fight
Example: Some people become belligerent after consuming large quantities of alcohol.

5) benevolent (adjective) - showing or motivated by sympathy and understanding and generosity
Example: Some benevolent individuals are willing to donate money from their own pocket to causes that they feel are worthwhile.

6) cursory (adjective) - hasty and without attention to detail
Example: Giving a source of information nothing more than a cursory glance makes it easy to overlook some details.

7) duplicity (noun) - deceitful/fraudulent, as by speaking or acting differently to different people regarding the same matter
Example: The salesman displayed duplicity when he convinced his customer that the lower quality product was the "real thing".

8) extol (verb) - to praise, glorify, or honor
Example: Many people extol "celebrities" profusely, even though most "famous people" have contributed nothing of any real substance to this world.

9) feasible (adjective) - capable of being done under ordinary circumstances and by ordinary means
Example: Timely interstellar travel is simply not a feasible endeavor for human kind at this point.

10) grimace (noun) - a contorted facial expression indicating something unpleasant
Example: The detective's face displayed a grimace when he arrived at a grizzly crime scene.

11) holocaust (noun) - an act of mass destruction and loss of life
Example: The atrocities committed by hitler (I purposely didn't capitalize his name out of disrespect) during WWII are perhaps the most well-known example of a holocaust.

12) impervious (adjective) - incapable of being affected
Example: Sadly, the general public seems to be impervious to logic/reason.

13) impetus (noun) - a force or stimulus that moves something along
Example: Fear of public judgement serves as an impetus against people acting out of their own will.

14) jeopardy (noun) - peril or danger
Example: By forgetting to enable the alarm before returning home for the night, the store owner put his entire stock in jeopardy.

15) meticulous (adjective) - marked by extreme care for minute details
Example: The meticulous craftsman refused to settle for anything less than perfection.

16) nostalgia (noun) - longing for something past
Example: A great sense of nostalgia came over the man whilst reflecting upon his childhood.

17) quintessence (noun) - the purest and most concentrated essence of something; representing the perfect quality or class of something
Example: Conformity is the quintessence of cowardice.

18) retrogress (verb) - to fall back into a (usually worse) previous condition
Example: Just as the sick man's condition seemed to be improving, he retrogressed and is now worse than ever before.

19) scrutinize (verb) - to examine critically with minute detail
Example: Although the judges scrutinized the product with the utmost intent, they found no apparent flaws.

20) tepid (adjective) - feeling or showing little interest or enthusiasm
Example: The tepid reviews of the product were concurrent with the lack of public interest.

21) accede (verb) - to agree or express agreement
Example: After receiving several complaints, the storeowner finally acceded to firing the cashier for making snide remarks towards patrons.

22) brandish (verb) - to exhibit aggressively
Example: The foolish man was brandishing a toy gun as if it were a real firearm, and was fired on by the police as a result.

23) comprise (verb) - to form or compose, or to be composed of
Example: Solid matter (as we interpret it) is actually comprised primarily of empty space.

24) deft (adjective) - skillful in physical movements
Example: Gymnasts are held to the highest standard when it comes to being deft/dexterous.

25) destitute (adjective) - completely wanting or lacking something desirable
Example: "Food drives" and other campaigns are aimed to aid destitute families that cannot afford basic necessities.

26) explicit (adjective) - precisely and clearly expressed; can also be used to describe something vulgar or inappropriate
Example: Despite the multitude of explicit warning signs, the naive man decided that it was in his best interest to pet the killer whale anyways. He is no longer with us : (

27) extirpate (verb) - to pull up by or as if by the roots; to remove surgically; to destroy completely
Example: Luckily, the surgeons were able to extirpate the cancerous mass from the woman's lung before it spread.

28) inopportune (adjective)- conditions that deviate from what is favorable
Example: The power went out during the climax of a television show; the most inopportune moment possible.

29) ironic (adjective) - an almost comical deviation from what is expected
Example: Ironically, the man who was pulled over for speeding through a school crosswalk was a full-time driving instructor.

30) musty (adjective) - stale and unclean smelling
Example: The damp towel grew musty after being wadded-up and not allowed to dry properly.

31) officious (adjective) - intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner
Example: The police had no right to search the man's house in such an officious manner.

32) ominous (adjective) - threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments
Example: There was an ominous feeling about the abandoned prison.

33) pinnacle (noun) - the highest level or degree attainable
Example: Blindly following a religion out of fear of celestial persecution is the pinnacle of ignorance.

34) premeditated (adjective) - characterized by deliberate purpose and some degree of planning (usually refers to an illegal act/crime)
Example: The woman received an especially harsh sentence for murdering her husband, as it was clearly premeditated.

35) rampant (adjective) - unrestrained and violent
Example: The enraged child ran rampant through the toy store, destroying everything in his path.

36) solace (noun) - some sort of comfort in a time of disappointment or misery
Example: Although he was distraught that he missed his flight, he found some temporary solace in the hamburger that he purchased from the vendor.

37) stately (adjective) - refined or imposing in manner or appearance
Example: The stately statue made everything around it appear insignificant.

38) supple (adjective) - capable of moving or bending with ease
Example: Cats are such supple creatures that they are able to orient themselves in mid air while falling, enabling them to land on their feet nearly every time.

39) suppress (verb) - to control and/or prevent from showing
Example: The media suppressed the incident in which an armed civilian saved potentially hundreds lives by stopping a hostile gunman because the story would have been bad for their anti-gun lobbying, had it been broadcasted on any major "news" networks.

40) venal (adjective) - capable of being corrupted
Example: Venal individuals should be kept away from positions of power at all costs.

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