Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Masterpiece Project Update: Final Product Difficulties

Ever since embarking on this this journey at the beginning of the semester, I have been struggling to come up with an end to my project that I will be satisfied with. I have been studying, in one word, happiness and, naturally, my goal is to present the information I have gathered, as well as my own knowledge/understanding, in a way that will help people succeed in attaining the most sought-after, and arguably the most elusive, commodity known to man. The challenge is doing so in a way that is unique, pervasive, and, most importantly, in a way that actually works. There are countless "life changing" books and articles claiming to provide tips and tricks on how to be happier already out there but, in addition to being painfully boring and generic, they obviously don't work, as evidenced by the overwhelming percentage of the population for whom the idea of happiness is little more than wishful thinking. The LAST thing I want is for my work to fall into that bleak category but, at the same time, I'm not quite sure how to set myself apart...

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