Friday, October 4, 2013


Graduation speech on behalf of Shakespeare's Hamlet:

After all of the unfortunate turns that my life has taken recently, the temporary solace that this joyous moment has provided is beyond anything I could've expected. Standing before all of you and feeling your ecstatic energy has opened up my eyes to the possibilities that the future holds. I feel that now, more than ever before, I am ready to put my past behind me and embrace the unknown. To move forward with an open mind and an open heart. To make my own way. Today, my fellow beings, you are witnessing more than my graduation from this learning establishment. Much more. You are witnessing my metamorphosis, my chrysalis, my rebirth. I have shed my former self before your very eyes, and am now beginning the trek into the undiscovered country. The intangible, the unforeseeable, the future.

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